Sunday 14 October 2012

A New Beginning

A memory I will always keep in mind was that one sunny day about 3 years ago. It was a sunny day, it seemed almost too good to be true. But after Nana passed away, not one day was perfect in my life. I was walking my daily route to the market to get some food for supper. I was walking through the warzone in Afghanistan. BOOM. I fell to the ground, and there was a ringing sound in the distance. I stand up and shake off the rubble, turn around and I see a little girl. I ran over to her. “Help, help someone help”, I will always remember her saying that, and her tone; it was almost like she was accepting the fact her family had died. Laila was her name. She was holding hands with another boy. His name was Tariq. I picked her up with the help of others and dragged them to a safe distance right before a doctor could turn up.  “Help, Help, someone help.” She just kept on repeating those same words, so I embraced her and told her everything would be fine. (see the footage of the house:  )
I got home shaken. I never even made it to the market. I stared into the blank for at least 3 hours because before I knew it Rasheed was home expecting food to be ready for him as usual. But the food wasn’t ready; I was prepared for another beating. And as predicted, I was left on the floor bruised and bloody.

I found out that Laila was released from the hospital, and so on my way to the market that day, I went and picked her up. When I got there I explained to her who I was and that I pulled her from the debris. She jumped onto me and thanked me as I let her know that I was there for her and she can live in our extra room. The whole walk back I was just pondering on how I can explain this to Rasheed.
I didn’t even need to explain to Rasheed, him being atrocious as usual, obviously fell for Laila immediately. Over the next while, Rasheed convinces the semi-disoriented Laila that Tariq is dead. But no one knew if he was telling the truth. She agreed to marry Rasheed, who was eager to have a young and attractive second wife, in hopes in having a child with her since I was barren. Laila finds out she is pregnant with a child, but Tariq’s. When Laila finally gives birth to this daughter, Aziza, Rasheed was displeased and suspicious, which then lead to Rasheed being abusive to once again another wife. 

Having much in common, Laila and I become close friends. We planned to escape from Rasheed’s wrath. Days passed by and it was the time for us to flee from Kabul as Rasheed is at work. I remember waiting at the bus station with a huge smile to get away and have a new beginning but like the rest of my life, that wasn’t for long.
Rasheed found us at the bus stop, my smile was flipped. Rasheed dragged us home against our wills and locked all three of us up without water. He nearly killed Aziza.

For the first time in my life, I actually realized Nana’s meaning of hate. I hated Rasheed with all my energy, as did Laila. One bad choice and one person can ruin someone’s life

Mariam Kassab

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